Choosing a toothpaste for white teeth
How do whitening toothpastes work?
Toothpastes and pastes for reducing the superficial yellowing of teeth contain hard powders that work by polishing the enamel (though ideally without an excessively aggressive abrasive effect). This gentle polishing removes superficial stains and leaves the enamel shinier which, by reflecting the light, makes the teeth look even whiter.
They do not work deep down, and they do not have a permanent effect. However, regular use prevents the accumulation of substances that cause staining and, in the long term, can maintain natural whiteness or the effects of having the teeth whitened at the dentist's.
What ingredients reduce surface discolouration?
The hard powders contained in whitening toothpastes and whitening pastes may be sodium bicarbonate (particularly in micropulverised form), calcium, silica or peroxides (as used by dentists). However, only extremely low peroxide concentrations are permitted.
Whitening toothpastes or treatments?
It is important to distinguish between whitening toothpastes and whitening treatments.The toothpastes are intended for daily use, three times a day. The treatments, meanwhile, are products to be used sparingly, generally twice a week, instead of the toothpaste. The Elgydium Whitening range includes a toothpaste for everyday use, as well as a whitening treatment to be used twice a week. If in doubt, ask your pharmacist or dentist for advice.
Teeth Whitening
With the right tools, it is easy to keep teeth white: a toothbrush and toothpaste designed to remove surface discoloration, a whitening agent and the help of your dentist.
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